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TRANSYT control to be used for signal distribution network coordination at an advanced design technology. This approach initially by the British Institute of Road Transport D. I. Robertson in 1963's Offline optimization of the network signal timing of a set of procedures. After more than 10 years of practice, Robertson led the research team right TRANSYT continue to improve, TRANSYT to 1980 (8) made public. TRANSYT containing a number of parameters of the objective function as an integrated signal timing on the basis abandon the binding assay (road Research Office of the United Kingdom in the 20th century Xiliai early 1960s of the first phase difference and delay relations Later Hiller on the basis of this form of combination), "Intersection delays only with the intersection of two of the phase difference, network with the other intersections when the signal timing has nothing to do. "This assumption. TRANSYT when the initial distribution program on the basis of the phase difference, appropriate steps to adjust the control object from a particular region of the phase difference intersection, PI computational performance indicators. If the calculated value is less than the initial PI program PI values, and continue to move in the direction of adjustment until the minimum value of the PI date. Conversely, if the first adjustment after the PI value than the initial value of the PI program, should reverse direction adjustment. By the above steps, a complete intersection of the phase difference after adjustment, in order to conduct the same intersection other adjustments. Intersection of all the phase difference were adjusted on it, should revert to an intersection from the beginning were right all the intersections second adjustment. So repeatedly, until finally achieve the ideal of the program so far. TRANSYT method using the signal timing program first field application of the results showed : vehicles to reduce the average journey time by 15%, saving fuel consumption 8% -10%. SCATS control system is a real-time options adaptive control system, developed by Australia. Start of the 1970s, 1980s and put into use. Laying in its use of the parking Buy detector data information According to the "saturation" and "comprehensive flow" These two indicators to optimize cycle time, the Green letter ratio and phase difference between the three parameters. SCATS system in advance to determine the internal and external phase difference two programs, each containing five different types of programs. Each signal cycle should phase difference right choice for real-time, concrete steps are as follows : Five programs in the first apply only to signal cycle length is equal to the Fig. 1; The second program, is used only for signal cycles to meet Cs "C" Cs +10; The remaining three programs, Detection based on the facts of the integrated flux values choice. Five consecutive cycle, four elected, shall be elected as the implementation of the program. At present the world is about more than 50 cities are running the system. SCOOT is a network of traffic signal coordination and control of real-time adaptive control system. By the British Institute of Road Transport in 1973 began to research and development, and in 1979 officially put into use. SCOOT is in the TRANSYT developed on the basis of, its model and optimization theory with TRANSYT similar. The difference is SCOOT program Generation Control System, Through the installation of various intersections in each channel upstream of vehicles Detectors collected the arrival of the vehicles of information, on-line processing, Formation control programs, continuous real-time adjustment of the Green believed, cycle time and phase difference three parameters, to enable them to meet the different traffic conditions. SCOOT-optimization phase difference to the district as a unit. Intersection of every one of the week has to be done before the first phase difference optimization. Each phase difference of the amount of adjustment is ± 4s, and the phase difference is the goal of optimizing performance indicators PI value of the minimum. Since then, 1981 United States Litte J. D. C. and W. D. Brooks and others developed MAXBAN D (Maximal Bandwidth Traffic Signal Setting Op timization Program). 1993. Texas Transportation Association of C. J. W. D. Messer Based on Brooks and J. D. C. Li Bl?tter way for the establishment of an imbalance with the Green Wave optimization model PASSER the research and development (ProgressionAnalysis and Signal Routine Evaluation System)
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