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用英文 寫一篇關于餃子店開張的 廣告以招攬顧客 不少于40詞



二月餃子 六月驕子




New Century Dumpling House

In New Century Dumpling House . We have all kinds of dumplings . Dumpling in our home are large and delicious .We have two great specials ! Special 1 has only some vegetables and is just 3 RMB for 20 dumplings . Special 2 is only 5 RMB for 20 and has some beef and vegetables . Come and get your dumplings today!




Jiaozi(chinese Dumpling) is a traditional chinese food ,which is essention during holidays in nor thern china.Chinese dumpling becomes one of the most widely love food in china.

Chinese dumpling is one of the most important foods in chinese new year.Since the shape of chinese dumpling is similar to ancient chinese gold or silier ingots ,they symbolize wealth .Traditional,th e members of a family get togeter to make dumplings during the New Year's Eve.They may hide a coin in one of the dumplings.

Making dumpling is really teamwork .Usually all family members will join the work .Some people starte to make dupling when they were kids in the family ,so most chinese know how to make dumpling .


Chinese Dumpling

Chinese Dumpling

Chinese dumplings or Jiaozi, with meat and vegetable fillings, is a traditional Chinese Food, which is essential during holidays in Northern China. Chinese are Masters in the Art of Making Dumplings.


The history of jiaozi dates back to ancient times, some 500-600 years ago. As the Spring Festival marks the start of a new year, people choose to eat jiaozi to connote their wishes for good fortune in the new year. China has been perfecting the art of dumpling making since the Sung dynasty.


There is no set rule as to what makes dumping fillings. They can be anything from vegetables, meat to seafood. Whatever the fillings, the wrapping skill needs to be exquisite to make jiaozi look attractive.

Shape and variety

Chinese dumplings may be round or crescent-shaped, boiled or pan-fried. The filling may be sweet or savory; vegetarian or filled with meat and vegetables. Of course, all this variety can be confusing.

As China is a country with a vast territory, there are great difference in various regions in ways of making jiaozi or even serving it. For example, dumplings wrappers are made with a rolling stick in most areas of Beijing and Hebei Provinces, whereas in some parts of Shanxi Province and inner Mongolia Autonomous Region, wrappers are hand- pressed.

How to make Chinese dumplings?

To make Chinese dumplings, first of all, chop the meat into pieces and mash them, then add salt, sesame oil, soy sauce, ginger, scallions, Chinese cabbage and MSG if you like. Mix thoroughly the ingredients; add two spoonful of water if necessary.





英文:chinese meat ravioli;a substantial stuffed dumpling

餃子是深受我國人民喜愛的傳統(tǒng)特色食品,又稱水餃,是我國北方民間的主食和地方小吃,也是年節(jié)食品。有一句民謠叫“大寒小寒,吃餃子過年?!憋溩佣嘤妹嫫ぐW水煮而成。餃子起源于南北朝時期。餃子多以冷水和面粉為劑,將面和水和在一起,然后將經(jīng)發(fā)酵而成的面團搟搟,搟成一個個的粗面團,這樣之后再用刀將一個個面團切成一塊塊圓的小面團,最后將這些小面團搟成中間略厚周邊較薄的圓皮,包裹餡心,捏成月牙形或角形,包成后下鍋煮至餃子浮上水面即可。餃皮也可用燙面、油酥面或米粉制作;餡心可葷可素、可甜可咸;成熟方法也可用蒸、烙、煎、炸等、葷餡有三鮮、蝦仁、蟹黃、海參、魚肉、雞肉、豬肉、牛肉、羊肉、雞肉等,素餡雙分為什錦素餡、普通素餡之類。 餃子的特點是皮薄餡嫩,味道鮮美,形狀獨特,百食不厭。





Jiaozi (Chinese transliteration) or gyōza (Japanese transliteration) and also known as mandu (Korean), is a Chinese dumpling, widely popular in China, Japan, Korea, as well as outside of East Asia particularly in the United States.

The corresponding Chinese characters for "Jiaozi" is a reference to the arrival of the Chinese New Year at midnight. According to the Chinese calendar system, "Tiangan Dizhi" (Heavenly stems and Earthly branches) is used to designate the time in accordance to the Chinese zodiac. "Jiao" in Chinese means "join," while "zi" is a reference to the first and eleventh hour (branch) of Dizhi - where midnight is situated.

Jiaozi typically consist of a ground meat and/or vegetable filling wrapped into a thinly rolled piece of dough, which is then sealed by pressing the edges together or by crimping. Jiaozi should not be confused with wonton: jiaozi have a thicker skin and a flatter, more oblate, double-saucer like shape (similar in shape to ravioli), and is usually eaten with a soy-vinegar dipping sauce (and/or hot chili sauce); while a wonton has a thinner skin, is sphere-shaped, and is usually served in broth.




Chinese Dumpling

Chinese dumplings or Jiaozi,with meat and vegetable fillings,is a traditional Chinese Food,which is essential during holidays in Northern China.Chinese are Masters in the Art of Making Dumplings.


The history of jiaozi dates back to ancient times,some 500-600 years ago.As the Spring Festival marks the start of a new year,people choose to eat jiaozi to connote their wishes for good fortune in the new year.China has been perfecting the art of dumpling making since the Sung dynasty.


There is no set rule as to what makes dumping fillings.They can be anything from vegetables,meat to seafood.Whatever the fillings,the wrapping skill needs to be exquisite to make jiaozi look attractive.

Shape and variety

Chinese dumplings may be round or crescent-shaped,boiled or pan-fried.The filling may be sweet or savory; vegetarian or filled with meat and vegetables.Of course,all this variety can be confusing.

As China is a country with a vast territory,there are great difference in various regions in ways of making jiaozi or even serving it.For example,dumplings wrappers are made with a rolling stick in most areas of Beijing and Hebei Provinces,whereas in some parts of Shanxi Province and inner Mongolia Autonomous Region,wrappers are hand- pressed.

How to make Chinese dumplings?

To make Chinese dumplings,first of all,chop the meat into pieces and mash them,then add salt,sesame oil,soy sauce,ginger,scallions,Chinese cabbage and MSG if you like.Mix thoroughly the ingredients; add two spoonful of water if necessary.

In a big bowl,add water to flour gradually.Mix and knead by hand to form soft dough,then cover it with towel and put it aside for about an hour.Then scatter some dry flour on the board,knead and roll it into a sausage---like dough about 5 centimeters in diameter,then chop it into small pieces.Press each piece with your hand and get a pancake.Finally,to hold the pancake with your palm and put the filling in the center and wrap into half-moon shaped and seal the edges.

The next step is easy.Put the dumpling into boiling water,when it is well cooked,it is ready to be served.Before eating,you need to prepare some small dishes to contain the mixture of soy sauce,vinegar,and sesame oil or pepper oil [to your own taste.

Ways of serving

Ways of serving Chinese dumplings also vary from place to place.Generally,Chinese dumplings are boiled in clear water and served dry with vinegar,soy sauce,garlic or pepper oil if one likes them hot.In some parts of the Northeast China,however,dumplings are boiled in broth together with vermicelli made from bean starch,and served together.

Chinese dumplings and culture

New Year's Food

Chinese dumpling is one of the most important foods in Chinese New Year.Since the shape of Chinese dumplings is similar to ancient Chinese gold or silver ingots,they symbolize wealth.Traditionally,the members of a family get together to make dumplings during the New Year's Eve.They may hide some coins in one of the dumplings.The person who fined the coin will likely have a good fortune in the New Year.Chinese dumpling is also popular in other Chinese holidays or festivals,so it is part of the Chinese culture or tradition.

Family Link

Making dumplings is really a team work.Usually family members will join the work.Most ChineseTo starte to make dumplings when they was a kid in family,they know how to make dumplings.Especially good at making dumplings,particularly making skins,which is the hardest part of making dumplings.

Sending Off Friends

Chinese dumpling is often the food for sending off friends or family members away.I guess this is another tradition


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